PZ Tech Scalability

Exploring the Impact of Embedded Systems - A Case Study

Case Study 1

RF reader writer:

it is smart card solution for the EV user to autheticate for charging. The authetication rules are defined by the service provider company.

PZ Technology developed a RF READ/Write technology which permits to write and read the code. The prototyping done with the use of NP532 readily available module as a proof of concept. A special security algorithm is implemented to avoid the duplication of the RF card


  1. The security algorithm development
  2. Read/Write coding

Case Study 2

PLC Interface for Remote Monitoring

One of the Indian corrugated box manufacturers who is using a small PLC to setup his manufacturing unit, approached us with following requirements.

  1. Remote monitoring of daily count of the items manufactured boxes
  2. Power on/off to check the power cutoff in a day.


We developed the MODBUS stack to interact with PLC. The local Edge device acts as a master to communicate with PLC and reads all the required data and sends it to the ioT platform.

We developed a small mobile application to monitor the status of the factory and user interface.

Case study 3

Alexa voice command recognition for IoT based kitchen utility

One of the Indian corrugated box manufacturers who is using a small PLC to setup his manufacturing unit, approached us with following requirements.

  1. Remote monitoring of daily count of the items manufactured boxes
  2. Power on/off to check the power cutoff in a day.


We developed the MODBUS stack to interact with PLC. The local Edge device acts as a master to communicate with PLC and reads all the required data and sends it to the ioT platform.

We developed a small mobile application to monitor the status of the factory and user interface.